It's still chilly here in the northeast part of the United States, we even had a bit of snowfall today. When it's cold, I like warm food, good for your soul food, comfy food. A favorite stew of mine growing up was beef stew, and as a vegan I still love it, only this time around, no animals are used or harmed in the making of this amazing bowl of goodness. I am forever in food debt to the creator Alissa Saenz at Connoisseurus Veg, for this recipe. This stew uses meaty mushrooms in place of beef tips and the secret must add ingredient? Marmite. The marmite is essential to making this taste like beef stew, and it absolutely does taste like beef stew. I don't particularly care for marmite on toast, but in this stew, it's a must for that "beefy" flavor. Make this dish while the weather still persists, I promise you'll be glad you did. Stay warm and cozy, friends!
Edits I made to this stew:
Mushrooms: I used Baby Bella
I did not add Liquid Smoke. I felt the Marmite was more than enough.
Marmite: I added to taste in addition to what the recipe calls for.
Dry Red Wine: I used Charles Shaw Pinot Noir a Trader Joe's wine affectionately known as 'Two Buck Chuck'. This wine is not only cheap at $3,99, but also vegan!
Potatoes: I used a mix of baby red and gold.
For the full recipe and method, visit Alissa's Connoisseurus Veg page here at:
If you like the amazing bowl I used for this dish, please visit: www.theveganpotter.com. She makes beautiful and inspiring pottery that you'd be proud to serve at your table.