We're all home, on a budget, looking for simple meals that will last, while we wade through the current world crisis. Shopping can be difficult right now, so I've been looking for easy meals that are healthy, require few ingredients, taste good, and make more than one serving, so you'll probably see a lot of soup on here until typical shopping can resume. But, I accept the challenge and I hope this helps you with your meals too!
I had a bag of potatoes that looked like they only had a small window left in freshness, and found this wonderful, easy, delicious, potato soup, that only requires a few ingredients. I was able to get six meals out of this, and loved the smooth texture and hint of herbs. I highly recommend having an immersion blender on hand for this recipe, especially where this soup is hot. Pair this with a small salad or some crusty bread and you've got an inexpensive, filling meal. Thanks to Alison Andrews, of 'Loving It Vegan' for this super easy, super satisfying recipe!
I did not make any alterations or edits to this recipe. It's great the way it is!
Find the full recipe here: https://lovingitvegan.com/creamy-vegan-potato-soup/